Planning or editing complex topics or projects at a glance: The "Canvas" tool makes this possible.
First of all, the term "canvas" is the English oneTerm for "canvas" or "canvas". In the context of agile transformation, however, it describes the simplified and structured visualization of complex relationships.
All aspects relevant to a topic are displayed in columns on an area and then filled with content. Thematic examples are: Business Model Canvas, Project Canvas, Team Canvas, Leader Canvas and many more.The main goal of working with Canvas is theReduction of complexity.
For example this isBusiness model canvas a method that supports you in the development and revision of innovative and complex business models. It was originally developed by Alexander Osterwalder and Yves Pigneur with a concernto be able to structure and summarize a business idea on just one DIN A4 page.
As an agile coach, I love working with different canvases: depending on the customer's needs, I offer them in workshop format or in 1:1 coaching. My repertoire includes above all the business model canvas, which Team canvas or the Project Canvas.
Working with canvas
The agile method for complex topics - on just one page