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We share responsibility for quality.

Transformation & Change:
Agile organizational development

Sometimes it has to be the really big hit: A change in the company is needed. 

"Organizational development" refers to a concept with which a planned social change in a company or an organization is to be implemented from the inside. This is exactly what is important to me: change from within – that means with the help of the minds that make up the company and not beyond these minds.

Agile transformation means a change process in companies that aims to adapt individuals, teams and ultimately the entire organization to our complex "VUCA" world. So it affects everyone and everyone is affected. “Agile” initially means “flexible, mobile, active and manoeuvrable”. Agility is not a new method, but a basic attitude and also a way of working.

As an Agile Coach, I support companies and organizations in their change processes.


Your challenges in the area of transformation:

Jedes Unternehmen ist individuell, mit Ihren Herausforderungen sind Sie aber nicht allein. Es gibt typische Stellschrauben, an denen wir ansetzen können. Manchmal sind es alle, manchmal nur eine, manchmal erst die eine, dann die andere. Im gemeinsamen Prozess identifizieren wir Ihren Beratungsbedarf und arbeiten gemeinsam an der und in die Zukunft. 

my offer

 My offer in the field of agile organizational development: 

add value

 My offer in the field of agile organizational development: 

 meine Haltung 

Neben der fachlichen Qualifikation ist die Haltung des Beraters entscheidend für einen erfolgreichen Prozess. Meine Grundhaltung in der Beratung prägen vor allem folgende Aspekte.

Unverbindliches Kennenlernen buchen. 

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